want to be less stressed? Practice Niksen

The Dutch art of niksen is the practice of doing nothing. It entails being completely idle without trying to achieve anything. This is an outrageous idea for those of us who thrive on multi-tasking and checking things off our to-do list. How is it possible that doing nothing can be good for us?

Well, it’s true, niksen is great for our body and mind. It reduces anxiety and stress, slows down the aging process, while also strengthening our immune system.

"Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can hear, and not bothering." -Pooh's Little Instruction Book

How to practice Niksen:

  • Look out the window
  • Listen to music
  • Sit outside
  • Walk in nature
  • Daydream

This is a time to let your mind wander and not be focused on anything. Surprisingly, while doing nothing our brain is still working and it can use this break to solve problems we may be having. In addition, it can make us more creative!

Niksen can also help us to become more inspired about achieving our dreams and make us more apt to take actions that will help us to achieve them.

It may be challenging at first because we’re not used to not doing anything. Just looking out a window can feel uncomfortable and weird at first. If you can push through these feelings and practice niksen for a few minutes each day, eventually you’ll be able to do it for longer periods comfortably.

Niksen may seem similar to meditation, but they are actually very different. Meditation and mindfulness require you to keep your awareness on your breathing and to stay in the moment. However, while practicing niksen the mind is given leave to wander, aware of nothing in particular.

It is important to remember to let your mind go in a way that is positive, imaginative, and creative. This should not be the time when you ruminate on your problems.

This is a simple practice that you can do any time you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Our poor brain gets bombarded by so much stimuli and information every day. It is healthy to give it a break once in a while to just be and wander. I hope that you try the practice of niksen and that it is one more thing you can add to your arsenal of self-care ideas!

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