Good Habits can substantially improve your life

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” In my experience, I have found this to be true. We need to infuse our lives with healthy and life-affirming habits if we want them to be good. We truly are what we repeatedly do. I did an exhaustive search of healthy habits for this blog, while also sharing some healthy habits of my own. I hope that you find some that you want to incorporate into your life.

Have a Morning Routine

I have found that the best days for me are the ones where I am intentional first thing in the morning. This means doing things that are good for me. Some examples are:

  1. Exercising
  2. Reading spiritual books
  3. Meditating
  4. Writing a to-do list for the day

Having a morning routine where you incorporate healthy habits may require getting up a bit earlier, but it will improve your day and life so much, you won’t even miss the sleep!

Perfect the 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule says that it’s not how many tasks you do, but how many results the tasks you are doing bring. It says that 20% of tasks yield 80% of results. That’s why it is best to put the tasks that will have a bigger impact at the top of your to-do list and the less important ones towards the bottom. This one habit can have a significant impact on attaining your goals and making your dreams come true!

Start Small and add One habit a week

Adding healthy habits can seem a little overwhelming. Luckily, you don’t have to do it all at once. Try getting in the habit of adding one new habit a week to your daily routine. You can pick some of the ones I’ve already talked about, pick one from the list below, or come up with your own.

  1. Drink an extra glass of water per day.
  2. Take a 20 minute walk.
  3. Practice sitting up straighter.
  4. Cut out sugar for the day.
  5. Do 25-50 lunges per day.
  6. Eat one piece of fruit.
  7. Read 5 pages from a book.
  8. Make your bed before leaving for the day.
  9. Master the art of listening.
  10. Smile more.
  11. Try not to judge others.

“The man who moves a mountain, begins by carrying away small stones.”


Making changes in our life can feel scary and because of this we may put off starting or trying new things. If we take it one step and one thing at a time, change is much more manageable. You will be surprised that when you start slowly adding positive habits, the negative ones will fall away on their own. They won’t feel like you anymore. This is because action changes things. Action is one of the most powerful agents of change that there is in this world. So keep taking small steps of action each day in a positive direction and there is no telling where it will take you. I hope that I have inspired you to add a few healthy habits to your life. Remember life’s a journey where we only have to strive for progress, not perfection. Have an amazing day making some progress!

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