try grounding to realign your body’s electrical energy

Electrical charges from the earth are beneficial to your body and mind. I try to spend time outside with my bare feet on the ground often. I knew that grounding (or earthing) was good for me, but I didn’t realize that it had so many amazing health benefits.

According to The National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, “multidisciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the earth produces intriguing effects on physiology and health.” Connecting the body to the earth enables free electrons from the earth’s surface to spread over and into the body causing antioxidant effects.

These free flowing electrons are always supplemented by the sun’s radiation and lightning. This is a natural healing energy that are our ancestors were connected to, but in our modern life we have gotten away from spending time outside barefoot. It has cut us off from the magical healing power of the earth!

benefits of grounding

  • helps inflammation
  • speeds up wound healing
  • improved immunity
  • improves sleep/relieves snoring
  • regulates hormones
  • improves mood – reduces stress, anxiety and irritability
  • anti-aging
  • improved cardiovascular health
  • improves chronic fatigue and chronic pain
  • shifts the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation.

The sympathetic nervous system raises heart rate and blood pressure while the parasympathetic nervous system slows the heart rate and increases intestinal and gland activity. Doctors often called the sympathetic nervous system “the fight or flight” and the parasympathetic the “rest and digest.” Grounding can help shift the body from this stressful fight or flight state to the rest and digest, which is a more relaxed and calm state. This is why grounding is so helpful for people with anxiety and depression. Just one hour of grounding can significantly affect mood.

“Earthing is a revolutionary breakthrough in the cause of health. It can change your life. Earthing can break the vicious cycle of stress and disease.”

Dr. Gallager, MD (Dr. Gallagher’s Guide to 21st Century Medicine)

How to practice grounding:

  • Walk outside barefoot on grass, sand, dirt and even mud.
  • Lie on the ground.
  • Submerse yourself in water. Water works the same way as the ground. Wade or swim in a clear lake or the ocean.
  • Use grounding equipment: mats, sheets, blanket and pillowcases. There are even grounding socks.

I bought a grounding pillowcase and I have used it for the last three nights. I got it for its many health benefits, but I was most excited to see if it helped me to sleep better. Overall, I really wasn’t a fan of the pillowcase and I didn’t see any improvement in my sleep. I prefer to practice the more natural type of grounding like walking outside barefoot or swimming in the ocean. It seems like the benefits of grounding increase over time, so I am looking forward to enjoying the benefits as I time goes on.

I hope you will give the practice of grounding a try, either by walking barefoot on your grass in your backyard or by trying a pair of grounding socks. I think that that it is something that can really have amazing health benefits if it is done on a regular basis. Please leave a comment and tell me about your grounding experience!

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try grounding to realign your body’s electrical energy Read More »