Acceptance is the road to change
Accept How You feel
Why has it been drilled into our heads since birth that we should strive to be happy all the time? Happiness seems like a fickle master to me. There’s so much information out there on how to live a happier life. I’ve written a blog or two on the subject myself. Maybe happiness isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. What if when we’re unhappy we accepted and embraced it, instead of fighting it and feeling bad that we’re not happy?
As human beings, we’re going to experience all kinds of emotions. The chemicals in our bodies reacting to the environment make us feel sad, excited, scared, lonely, afraid, and a myriad of other emotions that are not happy.
Emotions are normal and they change a lot, just like the weather. We don’t feel bad when bad weather rolls in, instead, we accept it and wait for it to pass. Our emotions change faster than the weather and the majority of the time happiness is not in the forecast. So let’s take ourselves off the hook and accept whatever emotion might pass through us at any given time.
Instead of suppressing how we feel, let’s notice and observe the emotions instead. We need to stop beating ourselves up for having negative feelings. By facing our negative emotions and not judging ourselves, we can see ourselves clearly and not as we want to be. To make the life we want, we must accept what and where we are!
Accept Who You Are
Below is an amazing quote about accepting who we are and not caring what other people think of us:
“We are going to cross paths with people that just don’t understand us. That’s just a part of life.
Stop worrying about what other people think of you and focus on yourself instead.
Focus on what makes you happy, focus on what makes your soul at peace.
You are the biggest commitment, so start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity and your vulnerability.
Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are just simply yourself.
The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not, so why not make this next trip around the sun about you.”
The Mind Journal – Unknown
acceptance is the road to change
Acceptance doesn’t mean giving up and it doesn’t mean approving of something we don’t like. It also doesn’t mean we’ve failed or surrendered, and that we’re still not working for change. Acceptance only means that we’re aware that things are what they are.
When we make the decision to accept a person, place or thing we’re taking the first step to making a change when it’s possible and to finding peace when change isn’t possible. It also allows us to accept life as it is, not what we wish it was, or want it to be, and not what we think it should be.
It doesn’t mean we’re giving up. Actually, it takes a lot of effort to accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can. It also takes a lot of wisdom to discern between the two.
Surprisingly, pain doesn’t cause suffering, but resistance to pain does. We suffer when we want reality to be different than it is. One beautiful way to stop this resistance is to practice Amor Fati, which means loving fate. Not just accepting, but absolutely loving what is! It asks us to stop wishing for different outcomes and to stop the what-ifs and if onlys. Accepting the things we cannot change and embracing them!
I hope this blog was as enlightening to you as it was to me. I found that acceptance is a very powerful tool for self-discovery and peace. I have spent a lot of time wishing for different outcomes and getting caught up in the what-ifs and if-onlys. I see what a waste of time this is and I also see how it causes me undue suffering. I’m going to make every effort to practice Amor Fati and accept and embrace my destiny. I hope that I have inspired you to do the same!
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