How to feel better in your own skin

“I began to understand that the promises of the world are for the most part vain phantoms, and that to have faith in oneself and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course.” – Michelangelo

I feel a deep affinity with this Michelangelo quote. I spent a lot of my life trying to fit in and be what other people expected me to be. I felt disconnected from myself and not at peace. I knew I wasn’t living the life of the person that I was meant to be, which I like to refer to as my authentic or true self.

I have not reached my fullest potential and I probably never will, but that doesn’t matter to me. What’s important to me is that I am on a journey in which I am striving to be the absolute best that I can be. This gives me peace and makes me feel like I am living in harmony with myself.

The journey is not an easy one. I have had to give up bad habits and relationships that were not good for me. It also required taking the time to get to know myself, so I knew what I wanted out of my life. As Michelangelo said in his quote, “to become something of worth and value is the best and safest course.” I have found that the most important thing for me in this life is to become something of worth and value to myself. To become someone that I am proud and happy to be.

At night when my head hits the pillow, I know that I am making a real effort to be the best version of myself, and this gives me a deep sense of peace. I think there a lot of people who are just like me. People with feelings of unrest and pain because they are living life in opposition to their inner voice, which longs for them to be their best selves.

Changing yourself and becoming the person you know you were meant to be is not for the faint of heart. It is difficult and comes with its own pain, but it is a healthy pain that makes you grow. Instead of that pain of discontent that gnaws at your soul.

“Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire.”

-St. Catherine of Sienna

I decided to write this because making the decision to try to become the “best version” of myself was an amazing turning point in my life. I was unhappy, unhealthy and at odds with myself. Now, I have an inner life that is at peace and I feel aligned with myself -not at odds. My life is still difficult at times and there are problems and obstacles to overcome, but I have an inner peace within myself that is very rarely disturbed.

All it takes to begin this journey is to tune in to who you really are. Deep down you know who you are meant to be. When I began, I decided to give up or get away from anything that went against who I knew I was meant to be. Habits that didn’t align, People who made me feel less and activities that didn’t bring me joy – My circle got smaller and I was a lot more discriminating in everything I did. I became happier and more at peace with every decision I made that aligned with my true self. Another important aspect of my journey has been working on my spirituality. It has also made all the difference in my life. I wrote a blog last year called Something to do Daily for Your Spirit, you can read it here:

My goal in this life is to become something of worth and value to myself. Making a commitment to my higher self and becoming more spiritual is the secret to a peaceful life for me. It also is what gives my life meaning. I hope that you are able to find something in what I wrote here, that will help you on your journey. I would love to hear your thoughts – there’s a place to leave a comment at the top of this blog.

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