learn easy visualization techniques to make your dreams come true

“Everything you can imagine is real.”

Pablo Picasso

We all have dreams that haven’t come true yet. There are goals yet to be achieved, and experiences that we would like to have, but as of yet have not shown up in our lives. This could be because many of us (me included) are very good at visualizing the life that we don’t want. We spend a lot of time imagining worse case scenarios and worry about what could happen in the future. Visualization is an amazingly powerful tool that will bring all of the positive outcomes that we want to fruition.

Visualization is a tool that athletes use that helps them to excel in their chosen sport. Many Olympic athletes have used it to carry away a gold medal. There has been a lot of research done on visualization. One finding showed that imagining a task before doing it, drastically improves performance when the task is actually done.

According to JackCanfield.com, visualization techniques have four very important benefits:

  1. Activates your creative subconscious.
  2. Programs your brain so it can recognize the resources you need to achieve your dreams.
  3. It activates the law of attraction, which draws into your life the people, resources and circumstances that you need.
  4. Builds internal motivation, so you can go after your dreams.

The best times to practice visualization is when you first wake up, after meditation or prayer and right before bed.

Steps to Visualization

Step #1: The most important part of visualization is to know what you want. We all have a mish-mash of dreams, aspirations, goals and experiences that we want running around in our heads. We need to organize our thoughts concerning what we actually want to bring into our lives. What brings us joy and peace? Another good question to ask yourself is if I had nothing holding me back, what would I want to see in my life? or If a genie showed up and could make anything happen in my life, what would my life look like?

Step #2: This is where you write down and describe what you want in detail. You need to have a clear vision.

Step #3: Start visualizing and create the emotions. Start envisioning that you have the life you just wrote about. See it, what do you hear? What do you smell? What does it feel like? Imagine you are walking through this new life as if it were actually real. Get excited and feel all the wonderful emotions that come with having the life you always dreamed of.

Step #4: Take daily Actions. Each day think about one thing that you could do that would help you to get closer to the life that you want.

Step #5: Persevere. In life we will always be faced with challenges that we have to overcome. Visualize yourself overcoming all obstacles that get in your way.

create goal pictures

Create a photo or visual representation of you with your goal, as if it were already completed. For example if you want to go to Egypt and see the Pyramids, then take a picture of you and put it in next to a picture of the pyramids. If you want to own a house, put a picture of you next to the house you want. You get the idea. The goal picture gives your mind something concrete to hold onto and is beneficial to the process.

visualization index cards

Write each goal/dream/experience/material thing that you would like to see in your life and write it on an index card. Keep them on your bedside table and each morning and night go through the cards one at a time. Read a card, close your eyes and see the goal completed perfectly for about 15 seconds. Open your eyes and then repeat the process with the next card. You can also incorporate your affirmations with the visualization cards. If you would like you can read my blog on affirmations here: Try Affirmations for Health, Wealth and Happiness.

I hope that these visualization techniques will help you on your road to living the life of your dreams. Remember we all deserve to live our absolute best life, and it never hurts to see if something new might be just what we need to achieve it. Take care of yourself and know that you deserve all that is good!

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