8 Life lessons you can learn from Your cat


I am writing this blog in memory of my cat Pumpkin, who passed away last week. It was a hard week, but I gain solace from knowing that Pumpkin was seventeen and had a great life. He was also an amazing soul who lived life to the fullest. Ellie and Olive are our other cats and they are also beautiful little beings. I have learned a lot about living from watching my cats. Sometimes nature is our best teacher.

“I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior”

Hippolyte Taine

8 life lessons you can learn from your cat

  1. Live one moment at a time. Cats know how to live in the moment. They are not worrying about tomorrow or even what they will be doing in the next five minutes. They are blissfully mindful and in the present.

2. Know instinctively that things will work out. Kitties have a faith that they will be taken care of and they don’t worry or have anxiety about living. They just live and expect the best!

3. Practice the art of doing nothing. Cats can sit and stare out the window or into space for hours and be completely content. With absolutely no guilt for not being productive.

4. Love unconditionally. They always seem to know when you’re not feeling good and are there to support and give you love.

5. Live curiously and with perception. These furry guys want to know what is going on at all times. They love to watch their humans do things and are always observant and aware of their surroundings.

6. Live life independently. Cats may live with us, but they are living their own lives. They don’t look for validation from us because they are confident in themselves.

7. Don’t fall victim to boredom. You never see a cat looking bored. They always seem very content. Whether napping, playing or staring off into space they are perfectly happy.

8. Know how to play. Cats are known for their playfulness. They are always batting at something or looking for their next adventure.

Cats are wise and spiritual creatures and I hope I was able to enlighten you on some of the ways they can teach us to live a happy and more content life. Live long and paws-prer!

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