5 Tips to live your best introvert life

Life as an introvert is a challenging and wild ride. Introverts are solitary people who are thrust into a social world that they must learn to navigate to survive and thrive.

Unfortunately, our current social structure isn’t built for introverted people. That’s why it’s important that we learn different techniques and tricks to help us deal with the everyday social pressures of the world in which we live.

I have tried to share some tips in this blog that will help you to live your best introvert life!

5 Tips To Live Your Best Introvert Life

  1. Embrace and be grateful you’re an introvert. – You are a unique and deep-thinking individual who cares deeply for others. Your quiet and peaceful nature is much needed in the chaotic, in-your-face culture that is so pervasive today. So embrace and be proud of who you are and never allow anyone to make you feel less. I find if you change your perspective, you change your life. Start seeing yourself as the beautiful person you are and your days can’t help but be brighter!
  2. Build downtime into your day. – As introverts, we need time alone to recharge. The majority of us work in offices and they are built for social interaction. You just have to be a little inventive to find the alone time you need. For example, you could take a walk on your break or eat lunch on your own. Also, try to space out your social events throughout the week. This gives you time to stay home and recharge in between.
  3. Plan your next joyful experience. – Did you ever notice how good you feel when you think about a fun activity or trip you have planned for the future? This good feeling is something you can cultivate all the time by making sure you always have a fun activity or trip coming up shortly. It can be a vacation or visiting a new city for the weekend. Or it can just be dinner at your favorite restaurant, a concert, or a movie you’ve been waiting to see. It just has to be something that makes you feel excited and something you look forward to doing. Also, by always having something planned in the near future, it will make you feel less guilty when you’re staying home and introverting !
  4. Stop having one-sided relationships. – As introverts, we tend to attract emotionally needy people. This is because we are caring and good listeners. It’s okay to be in a relationship with this kind of person as long as you are gaining something from the relationship too. The problem arises when the relationship becomes one-sided. You’re the one always arranging the plans for you to get together, the conversation is always about them or you feel bad when you leave the person. These are all red flags that say this isn’t a healthy relationship for you. The best way to handle a one-sided relationship is to distance yourself from that person. You’ll feel much better about yourself and it will also make space for new healthier relationships!
  5. Don’t feel bad about being by yourself. – Our culture idolizes socializing. The person who is out and about with tons of friends and whose social calendar is full is seen as successful. So, when we compare ourselves to this misconception we feel like failures. It’s perfectly acceptable to have one or two friends and to spend time by yourself. This doesn’t make you weird or a loner, it just makes you an introvert. So stop feeding into society’s idea of what is successful and what isn’t. I guarantee you’re as happy and successful, if not more so than the social butterflies. Just be yourself and be okay with that!

I hope you learned some helpful tips on how to live your best introvert life. It has taken me a while, but I’m finally able to accept myself for who I am. No matter who you are this is the first step to a healthier and happy life! Keep on introverting!

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